Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 28

It has been a little over 4 weeks since baby Sayla was born. I received the photographs from NILMDTS and have finally had a chance to look at some of them. I have laughed and I have cried ALOT! There are so many pictures that show the happiness and complete joy of a mother and a new baby. So many friends and family holding her and she just looked so peaceful even though there were TONS of things going on around her. It is like she knew her time, and she just allowed us to soak up the minutes, hours, and days of her AWESOMENESS!! God has been so good to us!! We have been blessed beyond belief by so many friends, family, and so many people that we have never met. From the memorial fund, cards, emails, flowers, and those text messages just to say "i am thinking of you"...all blessings.

I have my first opportunity coming up to share my story and impact that NILMDTS had on our family. Our photographer has reached out to photographers in the Columbus area to spread information about NILMDTS and the impact this organization can have on so many families. Pray that God give me the words that need to be said to give God the total glory!!

I have uploaded some more pictures of my little Angel ...enjoy them! Also, many have asked for our address to send stories of how Sayla had an impact on your life. It is 2207 hendricks church Rd, Thomaston, GA 30286. We appreciate each and every one!

And yes, that is a picture of Sayla with a Silly band on her arm..Sage decided she had to have it...enjoy and keep us in your prayers!

God Bless,
Mommy of an Angel


  1. Daniel and Mandi...thank you for coming to the meeting in Columbus. Mandi, you did an excelent job of telling Sayla Grace's story and your family's experience with NILMDTS. Thank you for taking time to come and speak to us. I have thought many times over the last couple years about volunteering but I kept telling myself 'I don't know if I can do it?' Well I walked out of that meeting saying 'Yes God, I will do it!' I have felt His calling but kept putting it off. I can now say that I am an official NILMDTS photographer and I am training under Tracy. She is an amazing lady with amazing talent. I absolutely LOVE your photographs of Sayla Grace...I pray that the need will not arise for any family to have to experience the loss, but if it does, I pray that I can take photographs that will mean the world to a family. God bless and keep you. Kristin Fowler Gallatin
